You need in-depth delivery features ?
Create a corporate account !

Use our powerful Corporate features to create single or batch orders, either scheduled or on the fly

One of our Kwiksters comes to pick up your order to deliver it in a blink of an eye.

Track your order in real time and share tracking with your recipient.

Our Bikes are Kwik to navigate traffic and ensure your items are delivered within 2 hours.
All our bikes are equipped with insulated box that can accommodate most of your business needs.
Frozen foods can be kept in our boxes up to 4 hours.
Just keep in mind, it has to fit in a box of the following dimensions: 42x36x36cm.
All our bikes are equipped with insulated box that can accommodate most of your business needs.
Frozen foods can be kept in our boxes up to 4 hours.
Just keep in mind, it has to fit in a box of the following dimensions: 42x36x36cm.

Do you have large items or quantities that Bike capacity cannot accommodate?
Our vans and other utility vehicles are available at your fingertips for quick pick-up and delivery.
With maximum weight of 1,500 kg, we assure you we will not leave you stranded
Our vans and other utility vehicles are available at your fingertips for quick pick-up and delivery.
With maximum weight of 1,500 kg, we assure you we will not leave you stranded

For your large items, our Trucks are available to ensure inclusion of large items.
With trucks capacity from 3 Tons to 5 Tons, Kwik has provided options to meet your delivery specifications.
This service comes with an optional offering of “loaders” to take care of loading and offloading of your cargo
With trucks capacity from 3 Tons to 5 Tons, Kwik has provided options to meet your delivery specifications.
This service comes with an optional offering of “loaders” to take care of loading and offloading of your cargo
Sign up! Choose kwik as your delivery service today !
Select the “Corporate account” option and create an account

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