How To Use Social Media To Drive Profitability As A Small Business Owner

If you own a business and you are not focusing on creating an online presence for your brand, get ready for your customers to switch to your competitors. So many people and businesses make use of social media for various things as a result of how easy and convenient it is, this includes your soon-to-be customers. Now that we have established the need, let’s discuss how to create an online presence while guaranteeing success.

Social Media Strategy: 

This is a very important step as it wraps up every other need for your business to grow and yield profit. A social media strategy is a detailed design/plan that answers what, when, how, and why, the goals and objectives of your business, the structure, and basically everything.

Determine your Why: Before starting your business, you need to determine what drives your need to do what you do beyond earning a paycheck, this is extremely important because it paves the way for other important steps and ensures they fall into place. It becomes your guide when making decisions for your business. Once you find your purpose, you will be able to create a successful business both online and offline.

Figure out the best platform for your business

It is almost impossible to be active on every social media platform and it is equally impossible for all platforms to give the exact same result, it’s better to pick a few, study each, and focus your efforts on them. Here’s how to choose the right platform for your business:

  • Identify your Major Demographics; The first step is to identify your audience, the key is to make it as specific as possible e.g  Black women from the ages of 18-25 years old, Toddlers of all ages, etc.
  • Find said Demographic: Now that you have identified your audience, the next step is to find them. Your audience determines what type of platform you should use. Find what platform(s) are mostly used by your audience and go from there.

Post Engaging & Value-Added Content

These go hand in hand because one without the other will affect both sales & exposure. Your content has to be engaging and valuable while also telling your brand story. This way you can sell your products while taking your followers or customers along.

Originality; Stand out

Stay true to yourself and your brand story while utilizing strong visuals. The more authentic you are as a business owner, the more customers you will attract. Try building genuine relationships by engaging on posts of like-minded businesses, brands, and even your customers. Another tip for standing out on the internet is providing answers and adding value as much as you can.

Seek help when needed

Trying to do every single thing yourself is not always the best use of your time, skills, or energy and it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed, which in turn affects productivity. To make the process faster and efficient, ask the right person for their help – someone who has the ability, knowledge, or time.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer campaigns give you a chance to have fun with your products while driving traffic and increasing sales or exposure. When looking for an influencer, make sure the person you choose to work with has an audience that matches your target demographic, also make sure that the influencer you have chosen understands your brand story and what it represents, this will ensure they follow suit with their storytelling as it serves as their guide. 

Lastly, when looking for the right fit, make sure to focus on the value you’d both receive, this increases their zeal and content quality, it also shows that your business is humane and reliable.

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